Learning to Learn, Do, and Be
Our Learner Driven Communities are run mostly by our Eagles, where closely connected families of lifelong learners are bound by clear covenants; and “Learning to Do” and “Learning to Be” are even more important than “Learning to Know.” If learn to Learn, Learn to Do, and Learn to Learn challenges are accepted, young heroes will absorb amazing amounts of Learn to Know information - but in context, and in a way they can use and won't soon forget.
Socratic Discussions and self paced challenges equip children to be independent lifelong learners.
Develop the heroic habits of lifelong learners, such as:
Curiosity to dig into new subjects and compelling questions
Perseverance through "stuck spots" in self-paced math
Rigor to analyze questions and facts with clarity
Resourcefulness to find the tools, mentors, and peers that help you learn best
Hands-on Quests for Science, Entrepreneurship and the Arts prepare children for Apprenticeships and real world challenges.
Conquer real-world challenges that matter to Eagles such as:
Diagnose patients in the Medical Biology Quest
Deliver a speech in the shoes of Winston Churchill
Design a floor plan for a new Acton Academy in the Architecture Quest
The Hero’s Journey, relational covenants and real world consequences transform difficult decisions into virtuous habits.
Practice warm-hearted and tough-minded character traits while searching for a calling that will change the world:
Servant Leader Badges celebrate character milestones.
Socratic Discussions hone critical thinking and speaking abilities.
Relational covenants and real-world consequences transform difficult decisions into virtuous habits.
A Learner Driven Community
Students create and sign a Contract of Promises describing how each individual will act and the consequences for violating community norms.
Mentor teams encourage younger and older students to listen, affirm, set goals and hold each other accountable.
"Learn to Be" badges that celebrate character and completing leadership challenges.