Oct 1, 2021 -- By Martha Hernandez

This week we focussed on creating our Rules of Engagement contract that will guide us through the rest of the year. We have practiced some of these rules throughout the last few weeks and have decided on nine that have been important to each hero. Some of these rules can get challenging like “don’t give up”, in D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) time. Our hero’s have found ways to help each other not give up on a task: keep trying, stay calm, talk to each other, take a wiggle break, deep breaths. Sometimes doing something new or hard can be frustrating, but they have committed to helping each other achieve these tasks.

This week for reading time we tried a motivator to keep them engaged. If everyone learns two new words everyday we can read as a group or partner on Friday. I found that everyone was a bit more excited about reading everyday and found they found more words than what I have asked.

In order for heroes to be excited for Writer’s Workshop this week, we are using reading and writing as a way to bake. Our heroes voted on something they wanted to focus on baking and are working our way through ingredients and directions. Once we finish those directions we will practice what we read through a baking creation. Next week, I hope to finish this task so the heroes can make creme brûlée.

Martha Hernandez