Jan 15, 2023 - Q&A with our learners. Guides' questions & learners' answers.
What was our biggest challenge this week?
Comparing each other. Expecting others to do what I can do?
Listening to each other. Because usually we all have our own ideas and we can be argumentative.
Getting all of the rooms done for studio maintenance. Sometimes it's hard to clean because we get distracted.
How did we overcome this challenge?
Remember that they can be younger or older than us. They are capable of growing with or without the help of another Eagle.
I think that we have our rules of engagement that we have trouble following. We can try going to our calming corner and you can go to a room where you can be alone.
What did we do for Writer's Workshop this week?
We worked on Pitch a Field Trip. We wrote where we wanted to go and why.
We are brainstorming and writing rough drafts.
What did we do for Quest this week?
We worked on Chess Quest. We were checking Aria Hazari’s theory on insufficient moves that she created on paper and we tested it out on the board. Doing that game was really hard because every move that you made another player had to forfeit and there would always be another piece ready to take you. I ended up losing.
What did we do for Civilization this week?
We discovered that Romulus killed his brother. They floated down a river in a basket as babies because their grandpa thought they would steal the crown. Romulus then named the city of Rome after himself. We also noticed another story of Moses who also went down a river in a basket as a baby.
What else did we do this week?
We researched our characters for Process Drama. We drew pictures of our character.
We had a challenging group discussion about accountability among learners and reached a solution that is flexible for bringing Chocolate sauce. We set the expectations and promises all learners agreed to.